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BG Word yahtzee

title:BG Word yahtzee
download page:link
genre:Word Games
developer:Spoonbill Software
release:December 2014
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


BG Word Yahtzee is a cross between the popular spacial anagram game of Boggle, and the careful dice game of Yahtzee (both also available from Spoonbill games).

As in many scrabble style word games, the player is given a set of 16 letters each round and required to create the best word they can with them. However, where as in a standard anagram style game that would be that, the Yahtzee element comes into play since players need to then score the word in one of 9 categories, and once a category is used, it can't be used again. Bonuses exist for filling certain category requirements, making this a game both of word building and of calculated risk.

The game has high contrast graphics (including the option to invert the graphics and have white on black for low vision players), is self voicing via microsoft sapi, and has the ability to play midi music as background while your puzzling out how to put the right word in the right place.

Also, like Ian Humphries many other offerings, Word yahtzee is entirely free to play.


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